3) Project 2
Remember that, “Can video games be art?” question, where people suddenly decided to ask themselves and each other whenever a game got perfect scores on Metacritic? Remember in the summer of 2010 when an indie game called Limbo came out and crushed that question into the dust by being an unparalleled work of imaginative genius? Remember when, because of that, the, “Can video games be art?” debate started up again anyway?
It’s been announced that the hugely anticipated follow-up to Limbo should indeed arrive in 2014, but not much else is known. It’s said it will retain the 2D gameplay, but this time around have 3D graphics. And it will be in colour… And… erm… be amazing? Speculation, but entirely possible.
Developer Playdead certainly encourages freedom and creativity, and lead designer Jeppe Carlsen’s superb (and also little-known) synesthesia simulator side-project 140 was testament to that just last year. It certainly leaves you in no doubt that these talented Danes, whatever they’re building, will deliver something pretty special.
Published: Jan 29, 2014 02:52 pm