3) The Cloud
The cloud has a lot of potential that PlayStation users are as yet unable to tap into. According to Mircrosoft, PS4 may have a slight edge when it comes to the physical circuitry within the plastic, but Xbox One users having access to magical in-the-sky storage could technically make the machines up to four times as powerful.
How will this manifest itself in Titanfall? Well for starters, it means freeing up the precious memory that makes the game look and run beautifully. But there’s more. Jon Shiring, Respawn’s software engineer explains that “The extra bandwidth is what lets us build a world with moving objects, and the available CPU is what lets us do things like AI. So it’s not just a bullet flying through the air and moving and causing network data, it’s an actual AI that’s making decisions and trying to shoot at things and looking around.”
Sounds terrific, but also worryingly like we’re one step closer to SkyNet, and being enslaved by machines, which is obviously not quite as cool. Still, speaking of AI…
Published: Feb 11, 2014 01:44 am