Following Wayforward’s Kickstarter updates for their upcoming HD platformer Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has been incredibly fun thus far, and some of the more recent news out of  Sequin Land will be particularly exciting to series fans. Extra playable characters are one thing, but playing as the main protagonist’s nemesis is another entirely. If the game reaches its stretch goal of $500k, that’s exactly what’s going to happen – you’ll get to play as Risky!
Risky’s addition is the lowest on the game’s stretch totem pole, so here’s hoping it will be reached with time to spare. In the meantime, Wayforward has revealed what her in-game sprite will look like, along with a handy comparison to her 16 and 8-bit counterparts.
C’mon, who wouldn’t want to take that for a spin in-game? Wayforward included some commentary to go along with the image, essentially explaining Risky’s look and how it pertains to Shantae herself.
This new HD Sprite retains the overall look of the original Game Boy Color and Nintendo DS pixel versions, while playing up the superiority Risky holds over Shantae. Older, stronger, smarter, and armed to the teeth, Risky Boots considers Shantae a temporary annoyance, like many that have come before.
Shantae: Risky’s Revenge is my first Shantae experience (I’m currently playing it on the 3DS eShop), and I couldn’t be more in love. The new game has some other pretty awesome stretch goals in store as well, such as bonus story chapters and additional playthroughs with extra moves and altered stats, so the more funding Wayforward is able to roll in between now and the game’s release, the better.
The game hasn’t actually reached its initial funding goal of $400k yet, so if it seems like something that interests you then definitely head over to Kickstarter and toss Wayforward a dime or two. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is still only in pre-production, but with enough fan help it may be the best (and certainly the most beautiful) entry the series has ever offered.
Published: Sep 16, 2013 12:00 am