Lack Of Marketing For Some Of The PS4’s Best Exclusives
Some of the Japanese giant’s best exclusive titles have been criminally under-marketed. Supermassive Games’ fantastic cinematic teen-slasher horror Until Dawn saw very little advertising and it pretty much relied solely on word-of-mouth over a proper, astute marketing campaign.
Furthermore, this year’s wonderful Ratchet & Clank was released with very little fanfare from Sony, which again was a real shame as it was a fantastic PS4 exclusive that appealed to both the younger and the older generation of gamers alike. With a little more love and care, it would be advantageous for Sony, the developers and their fans to give the games that they believe in a bigger push and not just send them out all alone with very little marketing support.
This lack of marketing becomes especially more egregious when you consider the one game that Sony did throw its marketing brunt at…
Published: Nov 10, 2016 05:54 pm