8 Ways In Which Captain America: Civil War Could Be A Total Letdown

Captain America: Civil War is easily one of 2016's most highly anticipated movies, and while Marvel has yet to release a single official still, fans are already chomping at the bit to see Mark Millar and Steve McNiven's 2006 comic book event series finally brought to the big screen.

4) It Could Be Another Iron Man 2

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When Marvel Studios finally got The Avengers off the ground, they didn’t have many movies left to set it up. Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor really had to focus on introducing those characters, so it was left up to Iron Man 2 to set the stage for the “Avengers Initiative.” The jam packed sequel – which balanced Iron Man’s story with the introduction of Black Widow, major ties to Captain America and the Tesseract, and Nick Fury’s plans for a superhero team – ended up being a mess, but does the same fate await Captain America: Civil War?

The threequel is going to establish the tone and status quo for all the movies between it and the two-part Avengers: Infinity War, and will have to find a way of balancing that with the introduction of a number of new heroes, a lead villain in the form of Baron Zemo, and revealing what’s next for all the Avengers involved in this war.


That’s certainly doable, but there’s so much going on, it’s hard not to be a little concerned about Captain America: Civil War suffering from many of the criticisms which have been made about Iron Man 2.

If the movie ends up spending too much time focusing and teasing what’s next in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it runs the risk of letting the main narrative be overshadowed by world building. Marvel has done it before after all, so this should definitely be one of the biggest concerns for fans going into the highly anticipated 2016 release…

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