8 Awesome Moments From The Wonder Woman Comic-Con Trailer

Wonder Woman is a movie which has been stuck in development hell for years now, with Warner Bros. seemingly reluctant to move forward with a female led superhero blockbuster after seeing the way the likes of Catwoman and Elektra flopped. Finding the right story also always seemed to be a challenge for them, too, and not even Joss Whedon could talk them into making it.

4) That Theme Is Back

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Wonder Woman 8

Say what you will about Batman V Superman, but Zack Snyder absolutely nailed Wonder Woman’s entrance on the battlefield during that final fight. It was a moment helped by the fantastic piece of music which accompanied it, and it’s easy to see why some screenings featured applause and cheers during that scene.


Based on the way the trailer for the character’s solo outing ends, the theme is actually going to carry on over into this adventure, and that’s a very wise move by Warner Bros. and director Patty Jenkins. It’ll help the hero stand out both here and in the upcoming Justice League movie, not to mention that when it comes down to it, ti’s also just a really great piece of music and makes Wonder Woman a lot more badass.

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