8 Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Rumors We Hope Come True

While Marvel and DC fans continue to bicker over which will be better, there's no denying that both Captain America: Civil War and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice are 2016's most highly anticipated releases. While the former will see the Avengers divided, the latter is all about establishing the DC Extended Universe and assembling the Justice League. Oh, and Batman and Superman kicking each other's butts as well.

3) Jim Gordon Is Dead

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Jim Gordon

One of the earliest and most shocking Batman v Superman rumours is no doubt in regards to the apparent fate of Commissioner Jim Gordon. While the movie does seem to be primarily made up of Superman’s supporting players from Man of Steel, the fact that Gordon hasn’t been cast when a good chunk of the action clearly takes place in Gotham City has been hard to figure out.

However, it apparently comes down to the fact that he’s dead in the DC Extended Universe! In fact, it’s been said that, like Robin, Gordon was actually another of The Joker’s victims during an earlier attack on the city.


That’s quite a status quo shift from the comic books, and one which dramatically alters Batman’s status quo in this world. While it’s a shame that we won’t get to see Affleck’s Batman interacting with Gordon, it may be for the best. After all, recapturing the kind of chemistry that Christian Bale and Gary Oldman had in The Dark Knight Trilogy would have been no easy feat, and that in some ways told all the story there is to explore between these two.

A memorial plaque is apparently what reveals Gordon’s fate, but hopefully Batman v Superman will also shed some light on how it happened.

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