8 Great Female Comic Book Characters That We’re Still Waiting To See In A Movie

With Marvel Studios now entering Phase 3, they'll finally be launching their first female led superhero movie with Captain Marvel. Warner Bros., meanwhile will beat them to the punch with Wonder Woman, but both of these movies are an undeniable risk.

3) Spider-Gwen

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A fairly new creation, Spider-Gwen is Gwen Stacy from an alternate reality. In that world, she was the one bitten by the radioactive spider, while Peter Parker became The Lizard and died shortly after. Despite the fact that her appearance was only really meant to be a one-off as part of the Spider-Verse event, the reaction to Spider-Gwen was overwhelmingly positive and she’s since become a firm fan-favourite superhero with her own comic book series.

Before that deal with Marvel, Sony were said to be considering a female led Spider-Man spinoff, and there was even talk in those leaked Sony Hack emails of bringing back Emma Stone in this role. That could now be a little confusing for moviegoers, but launching a companion franchise to Marvel’s Spider-Man would be a smart move, and Spider-Gwen is certainly a fitting choice to take the lead there.

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