Thankfully for nerds all around the world, trekkies young and old, and general fans of J.J. Abrams, the Lost creator and Super 8 director is finally confirmed to be directing Star Trek 2, the sequel to his 2009 Star Trek reboot.
Abrams, fresh off the release of his summer, sci-fi smash Super 8, hasn’t officially been on board to direct Star Trek 2 until today. Many credit Abrams for the success of the reboot, which not only pleased fans but also critics. Who knows what could have happened to the sequel without his undeniable brilliance.
On the downside, Star Trek 2 will not be hitting theaters in June 2012, which was when Paramount originally had it scheduled. Instead, the G.I. Joe sequel will be taking its place. While disappointing, I would rather wait for the cast and crew to take their time and create a fantastic film than to have them grind out a quick movie with less quality just to meet the deadline.
And honestly, as long as the sequel has Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Karl Urban, and Anton Yelchin – the stunning cast of Star Trek – I don’t care if Star Trek 2 doesn’t come out for another fifteen years.
With Abrams officially on board though, this one is almost guaranteed to be a winner, just like the last one was.
Published: Jul 27, 2011 06:19 pm