As one of the most instantly-recognizable characters in popular culture, the Dark Knight is never too far from the headlines. Fresh from Robert Pattinson revealing that he’s tried on the Batsuit for his upcoming starring role in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, Justice League cinematographer Fabian Wagner has taken to social media to share a previously-unseen behind-the-scenes image of the last actor to wear the cape and cowl.
Zack Snyder’s involvement in the DC Extended Universe didn’t exactly yield the best results in terms of quality, with the director’s trio of Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League proving to be fairly divisive among fans. Although, the latter was heavily compromised by extensive reshoots following the filmmaker’s departure.
And as for Ben Affleck, despite the backlash that surrounded his initial casting (something replacement Pattinson also suffered), he made for a solid Batman. The actor’s older, grizzled and world-weary take on the Dark Knight didn’t exactly fit with the more heightened and supernatural movies that he appeared in though, and Affleck’s vision for The Batman would have definitely been an altogether different interpretation of the character.
Unfortunately, we’ll never get to see it now, but circling back to Wagner’s photo, it can be seen in the gallery down below and certainly makes Batfleck look pretty badass.
It’s a shame that Ben Affleck never got a real chance to stretch himself as the Dark Knight, but the character has been reinvented countless times already over his 80 year history. With the hero now under the stewardship of Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson, and The Batman set to take a more noir-driven approach than we’ve ever seen on the big screen, the World’s Greatest Detective looks to be in safe hands for the foreseeable future.
Published: Sep 3, 2019 11:26 PM UTC