When it was first revealed that a PG-13 cut of Deadpool 2 was in the works and heading to theaters this December, a lot of the online response, as you can probably imagine, ranged from outraged to just downright confused. But considering how well the sequel performed this year both critically and commercially, it’s easy to imagine at least a few fans feeling curious about the extra footage that this new version of the pic will offer.
We already know that it’ll come packing an additional 15 minutes and also a new character. Titled Once Upon a Deadpool, the movie’s expected to be with us on December 12th, running for a limited engagement that finishes up on Christmas eve. And now, to heighten the anticipation, Fox has released the first poster.
Seen below, it features the Merc and Fred Savage riding a familiar reindeer. It might not be as cheeky or naughty as the marketing we usually get for Deadpool movies – and understandably so given its rating – but it captures the holiday spirit wonderfully and is a fun piece of promotion nonetheless.
While many fans aren’t sold on Once Upon a Deadpool just yet, co-writer Paul Wernick has insisted that it won’t only be the young ones that find something to enjoy here, saying:
“I think it’s not only going to appeal to kids but also to people who love Deadpool,” Wernick said. “I think it’s subversive enough and fun and creative and something that only Deadpool could do. So I think it’s going to be a real joy for not only a whole new audience, but also an audience that has seen and loved the Deadpool movies.”
If nothing else, the PG-13 rating could at least lend itself to a little meta-humor, and the idea of Fred Savage reprising his role from The Princess Bride seems just goofy enough to work. Plus, the franchise hasn’t let us down yet, so how about we give Once Upon a Deadpool a chance before we judge? And in any case, if you’d rather the Merc with a Mouth didn’t have to watch his language, then at least X-Force is on the way, too.
Published: Nov 9, 2018 3:22 PM UTC