via Entertainment Weekly

‘Spider-Man’ alumni Amy Pascal sets her eyes on the target for her next feature film

Producer Amy Pascal is set to bring Alexandra Bracken's 'Lore' to the big screen for the very first time.

Amy Pascal, former chairwoman of Sony Pictures Studios and producer of countless spider-themed properties, seems to have her sights set on her next big project. Known best for bringing the original three Raimi Spider-Man films to life, as well as producing the newly minted Tom Holland trilogy — Amy Pascal is one of the most successful people working in Hollywood.

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Now, with some time away from her Spidey projects, Pascal looks to bring a new phenomenon to the silver screen; Author Alexandra Bracken’s New York Times best-seller, Lore. Described as The Hunger Games meets Percy Jackson-esque Greek mythology, Lore follows its title character Lore Perseous in her attempt to avenge her family’s murder during a deadly competition known as the “Agnon.”

The Agnon is a hunt thats exists as punishment for rebellious gods, forced to walk the Earth as mortal who can be killed. Lore enters the competition to avenge her dead family (a classic story), and in the process gains help from a childhood friend and the Greek god of war — Athena. Color us very interested.

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter; Alexandra Bracken will executive produce, as Amy Pascal finds herself in the producer’s chair yet again. Slated at Universal, Lore has the capability to be the world’s next big cinematic powerhouse. Although we might have to wait a while for Pascal to make this literary dream a reality, if anyone has the track record to make it happen it’s her.

Frankly, we’re just stoked to see such badass women bringing an entirely original tale to entertainment. It’s a real breath of fresh air, and one that we can’t seem to get enough of.

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Image of Parker Whitmore
Parker Whitmore
Parker is a writer, filmmaker, and storyteller who really hates talking about himself in the third-person. Couldn't he just say something like... Hi, I'm Parker! I write articles about some of the stuff you like. Take a look — or don't, I'm not the boss of you.