Biggs Darklighter
The Central Character: A childhood friend of Luke Skywalker, Biggs is seen briefly in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – acting as wingman for Skywalker, along with Wedge Antilles, as they make their assault on the Death Star. Biggs has a rich history, in which he trained as an Imperial pilot before joining the Rebel Alliance. He ultimately meets his end, courtesy of Darth Vader, as he escorts Skywalker through the Death Star trench.
The plot: In the style of Top Gun, the film focuses on Darklighter’s time training to be an Imperial pilot. His ambitions are derailed, however, when he begins to uncover the darker motivations for the construction of the Death Star.
The director: Roxann Dawson, whose extensive experience in delivering epic television episodes (such as Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bates Motel, Scandal and The Good Wife) includes brilliantly paced action, highly stylized drama, and just the right amount of humour in tone.
Published: Jun 16, 2015 03:41 pm