[h2]Bruce Defies The Laws Of Physics (RED)[/h2]
Was I the only one who thought RED was awesome? Old people blowing stuff up! Helen Mirren with a machine gun! John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, and Bruce Willis all on the same screen! C’mon! It’s overloaded with gravitas. I admit that I enjoy the kinds of movies that bring together great actors and just them let be together on the same screen. I would honestly watch this group of people sit around and talk about their grandkids.
Anyways, so many badass moments to choose from, but the award goes to the brief but really cool scene when Karl Urban’s rival hitman comes after Bruce and Mary Louise Parker. The car spins out of control and y’know what Bruce does? He gets out of the car, as it’s spinning, and shoots up Urban. Doesn’t even break stride as the fender whips past his heels. What he does, by the way, is physically impossible. F**k you, Isaac Newton. He’s Bruce Willis.
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Published: Feb 13, 2013 01:50 pm