Production is now underway on the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which followed some initial confusion after James Gunn first reassembled his cast and crew to shoot footage for theme park attraction Cosmic Rewind, and he’s also since clarified it’s standalone project that isn’t part of official canon.
Of course, he’s still got to film the Disney Plus Holiday Special as part of the schedule, so it’s a mammoth undertaking for the franchise’s favorite band of intergalactic misfits to shoot a trio of projects in one block. Plot details are being kept under lock and key for now, but we do know that Sylvester Stallone is back in a bigger role as Stakar Ogord, with Will Poulter set to bring fan favorite Adam Warlock to life.
The actor has been sworn to secrecy over his involvement in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, but when taking to Twitter in order to drum up support and raise awareness for Alzheimer’s research, the actor revealed his new blonde hairdo.
Poulter is a talented and versatile star, and while his casting in a cosmic superhero epic may have come somewhat out of the blue, he’s proven himself plenty of times over. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 marks the end of the road for Gunn and Dave Bautista as part of the series, so we’re expecting the trilogy-capper to send them out in suitably spectacular style.
Published: Dec 5, 2021 10:21 AM UTC