Thanks to streaming services like Netflix, it’s easier than ever before to see movies and shows you’ve never heard of before. Especially with a massive library of international films, it’s almost impossible to scroll through options on the platform and not see at least one film you’ve never seen before. Right now, according to stats from FlixPatrol, a story that most moviegoers in the United States likely had no clue even existed is the 11th most popular movie on the entire platform.
Ankahi Kahaniya is a Hindi film that is getting tons of viewers even outside of Netflix in India. The romantic drama tells three stories that are sure to keep viewers at the edge of their seats during its entire run time.
“As big city life buzzes around them, lonely souls discover surprising sources of connection and companionship in three tales of love, loss and longing.”
Synopsis From Netflix
While the movie currently has an average 56% Tomatometer rating from Rotten Tomatoes, the streaming stats make it obvious that it has something special to offer viewers. Anyone that wants to see why so many people are checking out Ankahi Kahaniya for themselves can find it streaming on Netflix now.
Published: Sep 22, 2021 08:33 pm