According to a report published by Heroic Hollywood, Zack Snyder recently held a private screening of his personal edit of Justice League. Because several Warner Bros. executives allegedly attended the event, journalists suspect that the studio may be considering releasing Snyder’s personal vision for the film, which has long been rumored to be superior to the theatrical version that bombed at the box office in 2017, to wider audiences.
The existence of the Snyder Cut has long been the subject of debate. Ever since the anxiously-awaited superhero crossover disgraced screens around the globe, hardcore DCEU fans maintained that the biggest flaws of the film were not the result of a poorly-written story, but an unfortunate byproduct of bad editing, and took solace in the fact that somehow, somewhere, a better version of the movie existed.
While a handful of reports say that it doesn’t, Snyder – himself perhaps the highest authority of all – implies that it does, once writing on the social media platform VERO that he was tired of people saying his cut of the pic isn’t real. To quote the divisive filmmaker in his own syntax-less language:
“Film is not 100 percent finished still some stuff I want to do as with every film I’ve made not sure what difference it makes as to the finished level of the film.”
But while Snyder may be the most intimately involved with the project, it’s not like he has final say over its fate, and as Variety reported in November, it admittedly makes little sense for WB execs to sacrifice millions of dollars to resurrect a project that fell flat upon release, especially when the DCEU seems to be moving away from its old image – epitomized by Justice League – with standalone titles like Shazam! and Joker.
Would you like to see the Snyder Cut come to fruition, though? Let us know in the comments below!
Published: May 18, 2020 8:06 PM UTC