The DC fandom was shocked last week when it was revealed that Warner Bros. is developing another Superman movie, but it’ll be a reboot without the involvement of Henry Cavill. Fans had been calling for a Man of Steel 2 for years, though it looks like the British star is destined not to get another leading role as the Last Son of Krypton. Of course, the news has resulted in a wave of support for Cavill’s portrayal on social media, and you can now count director Zack Snyder among his defenders.
The good news is that Cavill will appear in the Justice League director’s cut that’s due on HBO Max later this month and taking to Vero on Friday to promote some new material that debuted at IGN Fan Fest, Snyder labelled Cavill as “our Superman,” which seems like a dig at the studio for daring to recast him. “The heroes [sic] journey of our superman see more of this cool piece we created at IGN fan fest,” the filmmaker shared.
J.J. Abrams will be producing the Supes reboot, with Marvel Comics writer Ta-Nehisi Coates providing the script. The original story from The Hollywood Reporter didn’t state that Cavill was out, but it’s not hard to guess that he is and it’s something that’s been corroborated by various sources and outlets since. It’s looking like the reason the Witcher star isn’t being invited back is because WB wants to cast a black actor to play the hero this time around, but again, that hasn’t been confirmed.
Still, the top choice, according to the latest intel, is Black Panther‘s Michael B. Jordan, who’s been linked with the part of Superman for a couple of years now. Word has it that Jordan could portray an alt-version of the character, too – likely Val-Zod or Calvin Ellis – and not Clark Kent, which might help Cavill fans accept the recasting.
In any case, don’t miss Henry Cavill as Superman (for the last time?) in Zack Snyder’s Justice League from March 18th.
Published: Mar 1, 2021 4:24 PM UTC