Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), never noted as the best-read member of Congress, is happy to publicly read Bible verses and invoke God constantly for political gain, but when it comes to her own family, she doesn’t want to “nitpick” the Bible. She doesn’t mind talking about pee, though.
Wait, is she holding herself to a different standard than what she’s constantly preaching about? Weird! Boebert appeared on the conservative talk show The Rubin Report, hosted by Dave Rubin, and was asked whether her beliefs were challenged by her 17-year-old son getting his girlfriend pregnant.
“Obviously, I’m a Christian, and there are standards that we like to uphold, but none of us do it perfectly,” she said conveniently. “We can nitpick what the Bible says is right and wrong, but I think just having that heart posture of wanting to serve God, it’s so important.”
Ah, so Christian values can be bent when it serves her purposes, but “the church is supposed to control the government.” …Got it. Honestly, it sounds kind of nice to just do whatever you want for yourself while cosplaying for your base as some Christian warrior with guns.
Speaking of, Boebert doesn’t mind making a big stink about public peeing. Not just a stink either, she seems pretty obsessed, and 100% out of her depth. Quick background: There’s a revised Washington DC criminal code that was overturned by Congress earlier this month.
Republicans think the code isn’t hard enough on violent offenses, but Boebert decided to fixate instead on public urination. City Councilman Charles Allen chaired the committee on the revisions, and it became quickly clear that Boebert should not be in a position of power.
“You led the charge to reform DC’s crime laws. Is that correct?” Boebert asked.
“I chaired the committee that proposal came from, yes,” Allen said.
“You led the charge, yes sir. And these changes are now law here in DC. Correct?” Boebert asked.
“You mean the revised criminal code? No, those are not the law.”
Despite this glaring error, Boebert presses on for some reason.
“Did you or did you not decriminalise public urination in Washington DC? Did you lead the charge to do so?” She asked.
“No. The revised criminal code left that as a criminal,” he said. Pretty clear answer, right? Not for her.
“Did you lead the charge to decriminalise public urination in Washington DC?”
Again, he said no.
“Did you ever vote in favor of decriminalising public urination in Washington DC?” She asked. He answered that it was kept as a criminal offense, and that he voted to keep it a criminal offense.
Then Boebert stated she had “records” saying he wanted to support “allowing public urination.” It’s hard to tell, but is Boebert trying to corner Allen about peeing in public? For what? We are paying this woman’s salary and she doesn’t seem to have any idea what she’s talking about, whether it’s politics or the Bible. Here’s the exchange:
This is not the first time Boebert shows herself as hilariously incompetent. Here she is reading from the Bible, admitting she has no idea what she’s reading, then getting tripped up by the word “wanton.”
This is a person who makes decisions that affect millions of people. What will she mangle next?
Published: Mar 31, 2023 01:51 pm