Stranger Things stans, metalheads, and music buffs alike collectively experienced the utter delight of hearing “Master of Puppets” by Metallica blast through their speakers while watching the mind-bending fourth season of Netflix’s hit series. And as if hearing the legendary tune wasn’t exciting enough on its own, eagle-eyed subscribers were able to bear witness to fan-favorite Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn) shredding the song on his guitar — which Metallica is now proudly using during live performances.
During a recent Metallica concert, a fan recorded the band playing “Master of Puppets,” which featured footage of Eddie playing the song during a memorable scene from the Stranger Things 4 season finale. The fan then took to Instagram to share the eye-popping video with the world, which can be seen here.
As many fans are aware, Metallica has been extremely vocal in the support of the song being featured in one of the feature-film length episodes, and the band even helped to bring the moment to life on screen. And although one Metallica fan was desperate to gatekeep the band from Stranger Things fans, Metallica swooped in to ensure that all were welcome to support the band — especially Eddie Munson and his wickedly-awesome performance.
Of course, fans realized that Eddie’s metal obsession makes sense, considering his outlandish personality and rock-and-roll attitude — which even helped “Master of Puppets” skyrocket on the streaming charts in the following weeks.
Stranger Things is available to stream now on Netflix.
Published: Jul 29, 2022 7:16 PM UTC