The Trump family drama has taken a new turn as Mary Trump, niece of former President Donald Trump, delivers a scathing response to her cousin Eric Trump‘s recent social media outburst.
On July 30, Eric went ballistic after Fred Trump III’s memoir, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, became available. The book contains explosive allegations against Donald Trump, including claims of racial slurs and callous remarks about Fred’s disabled son. That is not exactly a surprise, as Eric himself has recently said the quiet part out loud and declared the Trump family will win the election because they are white. Still, Eric took to social media to criticize his cousin’s book, accusing him of ingratitude and opportunism.
Eric’s statement, which emphasized the family’s “unwavering love, support, golf memberships, family vacations, and millions of dollars in support” for Fred’s son, quickly drew widespread attention and criticism. Many (rightfully) viewed his comments as an attempt to portray financial assistance as a justification for loyalty, particularly in light of the serious accusations made in Fred’s book, which includes a word-by-word narration of the moment the former president suggested to his nephew that he should let his son, William – who suffers from a rare genetic disorder causing severe developmental disabilities – “die and move down to Florida.”
How did Mary Trump shut down Eric Trump?
In a video that’s longer than Eric’s attention span, Mary Trump sought to “set the record straight” regarding the family’s complex financial history and the circumstances surrounding Fred III’s son’s medical care. The psychologist and author accused Uncle Donald and his siblings of fraudulently misappropriating her and Fred III’s inheritance, which she claims was worth tens of millions of dollars. It’s like Robin Hood in reverse – steal from the nieces and nephews to give to… well, themselves. Mary asserted that this alleged theft was the root cause of Fred III’s need to seek financial assistance for his son’s medical care.
In the video, Mary also alludes to a conversation with Aunt Maryanne Trump Barry that supposedly paints a less-than-flattering picture of the family’s attitude toward Fred’s son. While the exact details of this chat are about as clear as Donald’s tax returns, Mary underlines how some members of her family, Donald included, disdained Fred’s son.
The best part of Mary’s video, though, is how she doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to Eric, calling him “beneath my contempt” and accusing him of benefiting from the alleged theft. She suggests that if Eric had any self-awareness, he’d have kept his mouth shut. Unfortunately for us all, self-awareness isn’t a trait of Donald’s side of the family.
It’s safe to say that Eric’s attempt to play family defender has backfired spectacularly, opening a can of worms so large it could feed a bald eagle for a year. As the drama unfolds, one thing’s for certain: Trump family reunions must be absolute riots. So, stay tuned, folks. In this family, tomorrow’s headline is just a tweet away.
Published: Aug 3, 2024 3:08 PM UTC