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‘He about to have a shiny coat of hair’: Man breezes past Purina label and feasts on two tubs of ice cream meant for dogs

This situation has far more layers than it should.

Strap in, dear readers; what you’re about to witness may be the single most fascinating chain of events you’ll see today.

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Now he around the house barking looking sad as hell🙄🙄🙄 #readingisfundamental #fyp @U LOVE PG

♬ original sound – Simone Symone😘✨

Shortly after happening upon her partner enjoying a spot of ice cream, TikTok‘s @_simonesymone_ raised an eyebrow or two and questioned what he was up to. When he innocently pointed out that he was simply having a frozen treat to himself, she promptly walked over to the freezer and pulled out the box that the individual ice cream cups came in, and displayed on this box was an enormous, thoroughly unmissable photo of a pooch accompanied by many labels identifying it as ice cream meant for dogs. Realizing his mistake, he made a beeline for the trash can before he could swallow any more of it, and then proceeded to hold the box and just gaze at it, presumably in hopes of burning the memory into his brain so as not to repeat such an act in the future.

Let’s get the obvious talking point out of the way first; there’s no excuse for somehow not clueing in that the ice cream in question was meant for dogs. One would be entirely in the right for putting this man’s reckless attitude towards snack-seeking on full blast, but it’s the reaction that comes after that’s the real point of intrigue here.

Indeed, Simone’s partner had been chowing down on that peanut butter-tinted mix of moisture and fiber quite happily, only to make marked haste of spitting it out once he realized that it was for dogs. What’s the psychology there? It obviously tasted good, and a quick glance at the product’s ingredients doesn’t contain anything the average shopper would immediately turn their nose up at. What, then, is so unforgivably disgusting about ice cream that happens to be designed with a dog’s digestive system in mind? How is it any different than us eating meat, which our bodies are literally not designed to digest, hence why we must cook it before chowing down?

It’s one thing if he just chose to stop eating the ice cream, but to be so repulsed by the knowledge that the food was made as a dog treat when it clearly tastes like and is composed of roughly the same things we buy for ourselves at the supermarket, is, as they say, food for thought. Did the social shame of eating dog ice cream twist his stomach that severely? Sounds like a skill issue, honestly.

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Charlotte Simmons
Charlotte is a freelance writer for We Got This Covered, a graduate of St. Thomas University's English program, a fountain of film opinions, and probably the single biggest fan of Peter Jackson's 'King Kong.' She has written professionally since 2018, and will tackle an idiosyncratic TikTok story with just as much gumption as she does a film review.