Images via TikTok / Remix by Jonathan Wright

‘I’m never eating out again’: Woman finds wriggling intruder in Chipotle burrito, ends fast food addiction in an instant

'I'm about to puke.'

There’s nothing quite as unappetizing as finding something so very not dead and wriggling in the middle of your burrito. Some people might find the experience harrowing enough to give up the food for the rest of their lives, so if you’re faint of heart when it comes to stuff like this, we highly encourage you to stop reading. Then again, this viral new TikTok video might just be enough to give that extra push you always wanted to go for a healthier diet. We certainly are considering it.

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The story of the day is basically what you read in that headline, not exaggerated at all. One user by the name of @gloriasplawn recently took to their social media page to show the rest of the world a very disturbing image of a white grub wriggling away from the burrito.

That’s certainly going to make me think twice if I have a burrito craving again. The TikToker claims this is in Chipotle, but there’s no way to confirm that based on the short clip above.

Other folks are commiserating, with one user, @jessivietgirl1231 adding: “I stopped eating Chipotle years ago because I got food poisoning twice.” Others are scared over the possibility that this could happen anywhere, perhaps thinking of skipping fast food altogether. “It’s the fact that this can happen anywhere too,” another chimed in. “I’m scared.”

“I’m never eating out again,” exclaimed one user, and hundreds seemed to agree with that sentiment.

It certainly can’t be a pleasant experience, but look… could it really be that unpleasant? As far as we know, these wriggling creatures are extremely high in protein, so long as you make sure to chew properly. The mere fact that it’s alive as opposed to the rest of the meat you usually consume should be irrelevant. A cognitive bias on our part, perhaps. But I suppose I should probably stop now.

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Image of Jonathan Wright
Jonathan Wright
Jonathan is a religious consumer of movies, TV shows, video games, and speculative fiction. And when he isn't doing that, he likes to write about them. He can get particularly worked up when talking about 'The Lord of the Rings' or 'A Song of Ice and Fire' or any work of high fantasy, come to think of it.