Plane journeys can be stressful at the best of times, and at the worst of times, they’re a downright nightmare. Most people love getting off planes at their destination, since it’s often to a swanky vacation destination, but the actual journey there? Hard pass. Planes are cramped, full of people, and just feel a little bit weird.
Just writing this I can feel that strange ringing in my ears! So it’s even worse when something unwanted happens during the journey, such as your boyfriend cozying up to another person. That’s just what happened to one TikTok user who posted a clip of the pair on the platform.
In the clip, which is intended to be humorous and not indicative of a serious relationship problem, the girlfriend shows her boyfriend asleep during the flight — and with his head leaning against another passenger, a woman, who is also sleeping.
Flights can be boring, and lots of people like to sleep through them for many reasons, but it’s still pretty shocking when your boyfriend ends up sleeping with another woman. The woman in this video took it in good humor, snapping a quick video clip to trade in for a whopping 25 million views on TikTok. Writing “let me just jump off the plane” as the tagline, the girlfriend couldn’t help but capitalize on the event for a lot of social media cred. And honestly? It’s pretty funny.
With 3 million likes and more than 14 thousand comments, it’s clear the video resonated with many users on the social media platform. A lot of the comments centered on how the commenter wouldn’t have been anywhere near as sanguine about the event as the girl in the video, with many claiming outright they’d be angry: “i would have been SO mad girl,” said one, while another wrote, “I’m abt to start an argument w my bf bc of this.” Despite the outpouring of anger in the comments, one user was mystified as to whether or not people were serious, as the original video was clearly a joke, saying “Wait are people actually serious that they’d be mad in the comments.”
Although many people experienced second-hand anger, there were those in the comments who took the video for the joke that it was and couldn’t help but spread a little more mischief themselves. Some of them pointed out that the girlfriend was now in fact the “other woman,” with one user writing, “Babe you are the other woman” while another said, “They look cute together.” Relationship pranks are a popular genre on TikTok, so it’s no surprise that some of the more mischievous users took the time to leave comments like “The way I’d take a selfie and annoy him with it saying “do you love your gf”.” A picture’s worth a thousand words, after all.
Although the original video was pretty funny and was enjoyed by literally millions of people, the happy couple later posted a follow-up video making fun of the situation. The boyfriend in question is now given the window seat when flying to prevent a repeat of the viral video’s awkward antics. Fortunately, neither party seems especially annoyed by the incident, and they’re both taking it in stride — and the 25 million views probably softened the blow a little.
Published: Jan 18, 2025 01:09 pm