A woman has gone viral on TikTok after taking to the popular video-sharing platform to explain an unfortunate situation that she and her boyfriend found themselves in. Pin Pals (username @officialkitter) described the incidents that led to their landlords concluding that they have a dog, which isn’t allowed in their apartment, resulting in them preparing to be evicted from the home.
In the 47-second video, which has “Tis the season for some bulls**t” as its description, Pin Pals says their downstairs neighbor likes to call the courtesy police and does so every time they drop the television remote on the floor. The nightmare neighbor has also falsely claimed the couple can be heard arguing regularly, throwing things around, and that a dog in their apartment barks relentlessly from 5 pm until 2 am.
The persistent complaints resulted in their apartment being subjected to a surprise inspection by the landlords. The inspectors found a dog bed. Although no dog was discovered, they concluded a dog must live there, which isn’t allowed. As a result, the couple is being evicted. However, as the video shows, the dog bed actually belongs to the couple’s ginger cat. The TikTok community had much to say on the matter.
How did TikTok react?
Most comments were from people suggesting the couple fight the decision and even sue the landlords and neighbor or go to court to contest the decision to evict them. Such comments included, “so you’re gonna go to court, right? I hope so. Also sue the neighbors and send them a cease and desist,” “Um Bestie, what they did is illegal… You need to report that and fight it,” “sounds like a lawsuit,” and “So you need to sue both your apartment and that neighbor,” “Go to court. Don’t let them get away with it.”
Several people pointed out that surprise inspections aren’t legal, and that notice is compulsory before one occurs. Those people wrote things like, “Surprise inspection? That’s illegal… 24 hrs notice is required,” “Your apartment can’t give surprise inspections they have to give you 24-hour notice,” and “Surprise inspection?? That’s a thing? Don’t they have to give you 24 hours notice AT LEAST?”
Others questioned the idea that cats should be allowed if dogs aren’t, writing things like “Are you allowed to have a cat,” “You can’t have dogs, but you can have cats? Just tell the landlord it’s a cat bed???” Pin Pals clarified by replying, “Yes, our kitties are on our lease and I have written proof they’re allowed which I’ve shown alongside them using dog beds, but they swear I’m hiding a dog.”
Some people suggested the couple make their remaining days hell for the nightmare neighbor, with comments like, “Hear me out speakers to the floors and pick up out your favorite “annoying songs”,” “If I ended up moving out I would be pushing a lot of furniture around all hours of the day and night and always accidentally dropping so many things,” and “I would be the loudest until move out day. I’d play dog barking TV while I’m gone.” It’s petty, and we love it.
According to a survey of 2,000 Americans by LendingTree, 70 percent of those with neighbors reported being friends with at least some of them, but 24 percent said they dislike at least one. 48 percent said it was because they’re unfriendly or rude, 31 percent said they make too much noise, and 29 percent said the neighbor is too nosy. This video makes us wonder what percentage have neighbors who tell blatant lies about them…
Published: Dec 13, 2024 06:55 am