Antithetical as the notion is, there are many rules for life; treat others as you wish to be treated, express gratitude daily, don’t pre-order the game, wait 30 minutes to see if the craving goes away, forsake your expectations, carpe that diem.
But one of the best and most practical rules of life is to never do something for free, if you happen to be good at the something in question. This rule becomes easier to follow if you provide this service with a business partner, who can help cover whatever people-pleasing urges you might be beholden to. In saying that, we’re going to go out on a limb and say that the two you’re about to see here have a case for charging a mighty fine fee for their wedding services.
Captured by TikTok‘s @ryles_carp, the 83-minute jig you see above is well and truly the main event of this wedding; to hell with the people who are actually getting married here. From the very moment that Bruno Mars‘ “24K Magic” begins to build up, you already know that this pair is about to obliterate the walkway with undiluted swagger.
And indeed, right when Mars finishes instructing us to put our pinkie fingers to the moon, the wedding is ablaze with soft white flower petals as the brothers groove their way up the aisle in athletic, acrobatic, interpretative, and fun-loving fashion, all while remaining in perfect rhythm with one another.
One of the brothers, Dean, commented “anything for the sis” on the video, so it’s likely that this performance was one of those quid pro quo endeavors that some service providers reserve for their families or close friends.
Of course, emphasis should be place on the word “some,” and even more emphasis should be placed on the fact that such discounts should ideally only manifest at the unprompted whim of the provider; it can get pretty awkward pretty quickly if the friends and family of a small business owner ask for special treatment. suggests pre-empting such interactions by publishing a friends and family announcement when you start your business that sets firm boundaries right out of the gate. It’s also recommended to approach such requests with a bit of humor, or offer alternative benefits outside of a discount, such as a bundle deal.
Mind you, none of this seems to apply to Dean and his twin at the moment, since it doesn’t look like they’ve gone commercial with the Flower Bros 24K Extravaganza at the time of writing. The fact remains, however, that the market is sitting right there.
Published: Aug 27, 2024 10:47 PM UTC