When the news broke about Harvey Weinstein it kickstarted a whole movement; with so many women speaking up against the movie mogul the facts seemed obvious; Harvey was given a lengthy sentence for rape, and that was supposed to be the end of it.
Yesterday, news broke that Weinstein’s New York conviction had been overturned and that he would face another trial. The reasons for this related to witness testimonies that were not related to the conviction at hand. Either way, the notorious producer will be dragging his victims to court to relive their trauma once more.
How long was Harvey Weinstein’s sentence?
Weinstein actually has two convictions; the first one was for the sexual assault of a former assistant, which he was found guilty of by a Manhattan court and give a 23 year sentence. The second was a little more recent, he was found guilty of a separate instance of sexual assault against an actress in Los Angeles in 2013, for that he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. This means that up until recently, he was serving two sentences for assault.
So how long has Harvey Weinstsein been in jail?
The first time he was found guilty by the Manhattan court was in February 2020. That means the 72 year old has served a total of four years and two months behind bars, and would have had a little under 19 years to go. Right now he’ll still have to serve his other sentence in California, which was handed to him in February 2023, although his lawyers have indicated that they intend to have that conviction overturned as well.
This doesn’t mean that Harvey Weinstein is free, it just means that there will be yet another trial, possibly two if the California one is really overturned. He could, and hopefully will, be found guilty again and be made to serve the rest of his time in prison, because four years is not nearly enough time for all the harm this man has caused.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 11:15 am