Titans, the upcoming live-action show focusing on the adolescent hero team, is coming to the DC Universe streaming service later this year. Alongside the likes of younger vigilantes Robin (Brenton Thwaites), Starfire (Anna Diop), Raven (Teagan Croft) and Beast Boy (Ryan Potter), Alan Ritchson and Minka Kelly will star as Hawk and Dove, a couple of bird-themed heroes who are also a romantic item.
As this new set video shows, though, being both crime-fighting and domestic partners causes some extra problems. In the clip below, it seems that Ritchson and Kelly are prepping for a fight scene between Hank Hall and Dawn Granger. Apparently, they don’t just argue when they’re having a lovers’ tiff like normal people but instead, have a fist fight in the middle of the street.
Hawk and Dove are just two of the many superheroes appearing in Titans who’ve never been seen in live-action before. Alan Ritchson has history with the DC universe, though, as he previously played Aquaman on several seasons of The CW’s Smallville. Before getting this gig, he also put his name forward to play Shazam. Minka Kelly, meanwhile, is a superhero newbie but you might have seen her in the likes of Friday Night Lights, Almost Human or Jane the Virgin.
Other heroes outside the Titans themselves who will turn up include the Doom Patrol. DC are clearly confident in their depiction on the show as they’ve already commissioned a spinoff series starring the team of metahumans who see their powers as curses rather than gifts. That’s expected to have a close relationship with Titans as well, as it’ll also feature classic Teen Titans member Cyborg.
Titans is set to arrive on DC Universe at some point later this year and will be joined by Young Justice: Outsiders and a Harley Quinn animated series. Metropolis and Swamp Thing are also in the works.
Published: May 19, 2018 3:43 PM UTC