Hawkeye was one of the first Marvel shows announced for Disney Plus. Unveiled in a blaze of publicity alongside The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision, and Loki, it faced several delays due to scheduling conflicts and COVID-19. It now appears, however, that reshoots are finally complete, and the show will be premiering this Fall.
This story comes via actor Fra Fee, who’s playing Kazi (aka ‘Clown’) in the series. On Twitter, he posted:
“& thats (another) wrap on #hawkeye … I have had the best feckin’ time. See yis November 24th …”
Right now, we don’t know too much about the plot, save that it’s likely to mark a long vacation from heroism for Jeremy Renner’s character and that it’ll begin laying the foundation for a ‘Young Avengers’ project.
At Hawkeye‘s core will be Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop, with much of the show devoted to Clint Barton passing down his skills to her. We also know we’re going to get an appearance from Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova, who was generally considered the best thing about Black Widow.
A post-credits scene in the latter showed Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ Contessa surprising Yelena at Natasha’s grave and sending her on a pointless mission of revenge against Barton. Sparks are likely to fly when everyone meets up, though I would expect the truth to come to light fairly quickly and the heroes to unite against a common threat.
In the meantime, we’re itching for the debut trailer to drop soon, particularly as Hawkeye premieres on November 24, which isn’t too far away. Let’s hope it’s a fine goodbye to Renner’s character.
Sure, he wasn’t the most powerful, exciting, or interesting hero, but you can’t deny his participation in some of the biggest events the MCU has ever seen. Fingers crossed they honor that longevity as he passes the bow and arrows down to Kate Bishop.
Published: Aug 30, 2021 09:41 am