HBO’s 2021 Dramedy series The Sex Lives of College Girls is set to air its final two episodes on Thursday and ahead of the season finale, the streaming service has confirmed that the series will be returning for a second season.
The Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble created series has been one of HBO Max’s most popular original comedy series, drawing in commendable audiences each week. While its second season has now been confirmed, no details on a timeline for the next chapter are available.
The show follows four very different freshmen at New England’s Essex College brought together by the mercurial fate of dorm assignments.
“A bundle of contradictions and hormones, these girls are equal parts lovable and infuriating as they live out their new, free lives on campus.”
The series stars Pauline Chalamet, Amrit Kaur, Renee Rapp, and Alyah Chanelle Scott with Midori Francis, Gavin Leatherwood, Chris Meyer, Ilia Isorelys Paulino, Lauren Spencer, and Renika Williams in supporting roles.
Right now, The Sex Lives of College Girls boasts a 96 percent critic score on Rotten Tomatoes alongside a 69 percent audience rating ahead of its season finale.
If you’ve not yet checked out the series, you can catch all eight episodes that have aired to date on HBO Max before the final two drop on Thursday, Dec. 9. So if you’re looking for a new dramedy to binge to and your roommate has HBO Max, then this could be perfect for you.
Published: Dec 7, 2021 08:55 pm