Orphan Black’s Most Exciting Moments…So Far

5) Tony And Felix Sitting In A Tree

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You know Maslany is pure talent when she can pull off a transgender clone named Tony (formerly Antoinette). A transgender clone? Seriously, what can’t she do? This was quite an unexpected Season 2 moment, and one that was embraced with open arms by many. As much as I enjoyed seeing Maslany walking and talking like a dude, I enjoyed Tony’s time with Felix even more. Talk about an attraction and sexual chemistry.

Sadly, Tony only appeared for a short amount of time in one episode (hopefully we’ll see his return next season), but that didn’t stop Tony from k-i-s-s-i-n-g Felix. He might be the spitting image of his sister Sarah, but Felix surely liked that kiss. Do you think he thought of Sarah at all? Whatever was running through his mind, I need more Tony and more Felix and Tony.

Is it too early to come up with a shipping name?

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