Orphan Black’s Most Exciting Moments…So Far

6) Helena Gets Towed

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In all honesty, I could make every best moment on this list about Helena (eating), but I won’t. That doesn’t mean I can’t make two about her. In addition to the one above, here’s another top Helena scene. Admittedly, I selected this one because, well, Patrick J. Adams. If Patrick J. Adams (yes, I always use his full name) is in a show (Ghost Whisperer. NCIS. Friday Night Lights. Duh, Suits is a must-watch), I’m there.

On Orphan Black, he played Jesse, the tow truck driver. By chance, he encounters Helena at a bar and the two hit it off. They might have shared lots of libations, arm wrestled and even danced (if you thought Helena could dance with a tail, she even knows how to dance with a man), but the one thing they shared that sent fans screaming was a kiss. Yes, Helena and Jesse shared a deep smooch. I guess you could say Helena got towed. Unfortunately, their passion was interrupted by idiotic bar patrons.

No worries, Helena took care of it – with billiards equipment and her hands.

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