Anakin Skywalker may have become the most sinister Sith Lord in all the galaxy with excellent leadership skills, but Star Wars fans are looking at Skywalker’s past work experience before he became a leader. Turns out, he’s an excellent teacher, and perhaps better than some Jedi masters out there.
Reddit user u/tuliomoliv posted a small clip from Star Wars: The Clone Wars on r/StarWars. The clip had a surprised Padme as she didn’t expect Skywalker to be allowed to teach anyone.
Fans were impressed with how much Ahsoka Tano learned from Skywalker since she managed to survive Order 66 and later events. They were also impressed with how much Tano has achieved since she was just a teenager. It seems like Skywalker taught her plenty of things that eventually helped her play a role during the rebellion.

Fans believed that Skywalker could have been the best teacher in the galaxy if it wasn’t for his downfall. He was also the chosen one according to Obi-Wan Kenobi in Revenge of the Sith. If only he didn’t turn to the dark side, the galaxy might have the next generation of well-trained Jedi.

While Skywalker’s resume is quite extensive, maybe it’s his teaching skills that helped him become a galaxy-dominating leader. I mean, he sets reasonable expectations and rewards them when they succeed; somewhat similar to teachers at school who reward you if you pass a test.
Ahsoka Tano will return in the Disney Plus series Ahsoka which is scheduled to be released in 2023.
Published: Jul 20, 2022 5:25 AM UTC