Drama, revelations and a challenging dose of probing, philosophical questions – all elements that course through the veins of “The Adversary,” the sixth episode of Westworld, and here we get an early glimpse of how those story beats carry over into Sunday’s all-new installment.
Entitled “Trompe L’Oeil,” the title alone is a nod to the French term coined to describe an “art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions.” So, Westworld, essentially.
Completing the one-two punch following Monday’s sneak peek, HBO has now lifted the lid on a series of images for Westworld episode 7, shedding light on a pensive Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins), Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Maeve, who has fast become one of the most interesting characters over the past few episodes.
What started as fleeting dream sequences soon morphed into a full-blown realization, leading to Thandie Newton’s shrewd Host making demands from the puppeteers that pull the strings from deep, deep underground. Just before cutting to black last Sunday, Felix boosts her intelligence to the maximum level and in one fell swoop, all our abiding fears of an AI revolution look set to come true.
Will “Trompe L’Oeil” explore the inevitable ramifications? Here’s the logline: “Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and William (Jimmi Simpson) journey into treacherous terrain; Maeve (Thandie Newton) delivers an ultimatum; Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) considers his next move.”
Westworld episode 7, “Trompe L’Oeil,” is set to premiere on Sunday, November 13 at 9pm.
Published: Nov 9, 2016 06:00 pm