Though Marvel’s TV universe has arguably been shoved to the sidelines in favor of Avengers: Infinity War, over on Netflix, the Hero of Harlem is prepped and ready for his second coming.
And so, on the heels of Monday’s action-packed trailer, SpoilerTV has delivered a gallery of new photos for Luke Cage season 2, in which Mike Colter’s Power Man comes face-to-face with his new adversary: John McIver (AKA the Bushmaster).
Whereas Mahershala Ali scenery-shewing Cottonmouth favored smoke and mirrors as he ruled over Harlem’s Paradise, Bushmaster is all about brute strength – so much so, in fact, that a single swing of his mighty fist is enough to floor Luke Cage. Suddenly Marvel’s Hero for Hire doesn’t seem so unbreakable after all…
Also included in this HD gallery is a fresh peek at Mariah Dillard (Alfre Woodard) and the ice-cool Shades (Theo Rossi), who appear to be plotting a new strategy in an attempt to seize control of the empire Cottonmouth left behind.
On a more personal level, Mike Colter’s Cage seems to be adjusting to his newfound fame as he walks the streets of Harlem – remember, The Defenders series ended with our TV heroes saving New York from total annihilation. So it’s only fitting that he’s getting some attention for his heroic efforts.
“Just so we’re clear. I’m not in the market for a sidekick.” Though based on the Bushmaster’s untold strength, we imagine Luke Cage could do with a partner watching his back. And we’ll find out whether Marvel’s Power Man forms a new alliance with the souped-up Misty Knight once season 2 premieres June 22nd.
Published: May 11, 2018 1:12 PM UTC