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Who got nominated this week on ‘Big Brother 25’ and was the Power of Veto used?

A new HoH and frequent resident of the block.

Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother 25 live feeds.

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It’s week 10 of Big Brother 25, and during this round of play, we’ve got a new Head of Household who has likely put the final nail in the coffin of the house’s longtime public enemy No. 1.

After Mecole Hayes went home last Thursday night and the jury phase of the game officially began, Bowie Jane Hall ascended the throne as Head of Household. Bowie’s day 65 triumph marked the first time a woman captured the all-powerful key since Felicia Cannon occupied the suite in week 3. And besides Cory’s quick double-eviction reign, Bowie Jane’s the first Head of Household not named Cameron Hardin or Jared Fields since Felicia as well.

It was a big shakeup in the house, especially because Bowie Jane had flown under the radar for the entirety of the game. But with how she’s chosen to yield the power, Bowie Jane’s proven she’s there to play. She initially nominated Felicia and Cirie Fields for eviction. However, the plan was always to use the Power of Veto.

Her mission came to fruition after Jagateshwar “Jag” Bains snagged the golden necklace. Bowie Jane has been working closely in a trio with Jag and Matt Klotz, and once the Power of Veto ceremony rolled around, Cameron hit the block.

In what has been the aim of virtually everybody in the house, Cameron is set up to move into the jury house as its first resident. With the blessing of Bowie Jane, Jag used the Veto on Felicia. Then, the Head of Household summoned Cameron — her former ally — to the block.

It’s a place Cameron knows all too well. He’s sat in the hot seat five times through 10 weeks. The “Space Cowboy” was also evicted in week 7, but thanks to the Zombie twist, he came back into the house and after beating Jared — the other evictee fighting to resurrect his game — Cameron took back his spot as a full-fledged houseguest.

And he went all-in on his second lease on life. He won the next Head of Household and Power of Veto competitions, which eventually led to Mecole’s demise. He also worked on solidifying an alliance with Matt and Jag called “The Fugitives.”

But, this week has made it clear the two contestants aren’t interested in moving forward with the 33-year-old stay at home dad. Judging by the live feeds up to early Tuesday afternoon, Cameron’s obituary has already been written — no one is campaigning for him to stay and use him as a “weapon,” his go-to pitch.

A major thing that’s come back to bite Cameron is his enthusiasm for wanting to send Cory Wurtenberger packing. Instead of eliminating Mecole or Felicia (his initial target who sat next to Mecole during the October 5 eviction) during his Head of Household last week, Cameron wanted Cory out before the jury house opened up. However, fellow Fugitive Jag convinced him not to use the Power of Veto to backdoor the 22-year-old college student. Unbeknownst to Cameron, Jag and Matt were working with Cory.

When Bowie Jane became the Head of Household this week, Cameron once again aimed his crosshairs at Cory, but to no avail. And now that he knows Matt and Jag betrayed him (Jag’s Power of Veto move directly led to his backdoor), Cameron is essentially dead in the water. Cory knew Cameron wanted to give him his walking papers, so Cory told him that he wouldn’t vote for him to stay. Without that important piece of the puzzle, the writing is on the wall.

And Cameron’s aware of it. But, the three-time Head of Household isn’t leaving quietly. He’s already spilled a ton of information to Cirie about his Fugitive alliance with Matt and Jag, and their strategy of stoking a war between him and Blue Kim and showmance Cory and America Lopez. It’s very clear to feedsters that Matt and Jag have positioned themselves the best out of anybody, and at this point, they have the luxury of kicking back and watching the other players duke it out.

But, that may change with Cameron’s insistent truth bombs.

Regardless, this is Big Brother and anything can happen. Season 25’s theme is the “Multiverse,” and in some universe — potentially this one — Cameron stays and Cirie, the four-time Survivor legend and The Traitors US winner, is ousted instead.

So, we’ll have to see if the Space Cowboy actually rides off into the sunset on Thursday night.

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Stephen McCaugherty
Hailing from British Columbia, Stephen McCaugherty has been exercising his freelance writing chops since 2019, and he does his best work when he's kicking back in a hostel somewhere around the world — usually with terrible internet. Primarily focusing on reality competition shows, movies, and combat sports, he joined WGTC as an entertainment contributor in 2023.