screengrab via No Hard Feelings

How much did Jennifer Lawrence make for ‘No Hard Feelings?’                   

There isn't much many of us wouldn't do for a paycheck like that.

No Hard Feelings has finally come to streaming after a relatively short stint at the box office, and despite no small amount of pearl-clutching controversy, it’s still hit the coveted No. 1 spot.  Jennifer Lawrence stars as 32-year-old Maddie Baker, a down-on-her-luck Uber driver somehow tasked with seducing an awkward college-bound teenager. She stars alongside relative Hollywood newcomer, Andrew Barth Fledman, who made a paltry $700k for his role.

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The raunchy comedy was fairly well-received by critics and audiences alike, netting an average score of 79% on Rotten Tomatoes – a decent grade for a crude comedy of yesteryear. It’s impossible to deny the film’s reliance on J-Law’s raw star power, a presence that she was well rewarded for, to the tune of half the film’s budget, reportedly.

 How much was Jennifer Lawrence paid for No Hard Feelings?

Per ScreenRant, Jennifer Lawrence was paid $25 million for her role in No Hard Feelings. The entire budget for the flick was around $45 million, making Lawrence the most expensive part of the production. But can you blame her?  Comedians regularly feel the looming vice-grip of cancel culture, and Lawrence carries all the drama, comedy, and absurdity that film throws at viewers. She even does all of her own stunts (yes, all of them, even that one).

No Hard Feelings grossed almost $90 million at the box office, just about doubling the studio’s investment. For a raunchy comedy released post-2010, we’d say it did pretty well for itself. Even though she’s one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, that $25 million is still nothing to scoff at.

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Image of Ash Martinez
Ash Martinez
Ash has been obsessed with Star Wars and video games since she was old enough to hold a lightsaber. It’s with great delight that she now utilizes this deep lore professionally as a Freelance Writer for We Got This Covered. Leaning on her Game Design degree from Bradley University, she brings a technical edge to her articles on the latest video games. When not writing, she can be found aggressively populating virtual worlds with trees.