It’s been two months since the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man came out on Crunchyroll. Since its release, the series has broken multiple records and quickly become the most highly anticipated anime series of fall 2022. Unfortunately, season one’s finale now has an official release date, marking the end of this action-packed anime series (for now).
The official English Twitter account for the anime series released the official end date for season one. The season finale will be released on Dec 27. To celebrate the end of season one, the Twitter account released exclusive Chainsaw Man-themed wallpapers for mobile devices, featuring the show’s notable characters, like Denji, Power, and Aki.
Season one of Chainsaw Man consists of a total of 12 episodes, which showcased Denji joining the Devil Hunters in Japan after he fused with the chainsaw devil, Pochita. The show’s opening was viewed over 53 million times since its release and was praised for all the movie references it contained.
The English voice actors for the anime series, Ryan Colt Levy and Reagan Murdock teased to We Got This Covered that fans should expect things to get “crazier” as the show progresses, as well as expect to see more character dynamics and relationship improvements throughout each episode.
The release date for the English dub’s finale has not yet been announced, but based on how far apart the episodes were, the English dub would most likely end by 2023. The show hasn’t confirmed if Chainsaw Man would receive a second season, but you can watch the rest of season one on Crunchyroll.