My Hero Academia is one of the most widely popular anime in current times. Created by Kohei Horikoshi, this series ticks all the boxes of a good shounen, portraying a teenager’s journey to following in his idol’s footsteps and becoming the greatest hero. The anime premiered in 2016, and since then, more and more content just kept on coming.
Season six premiered on Oct. 1, kicking off the much anticipated Paranormal Liberation War. The high-stakes combat between villains and heroes lasted for 13 episodes before the anime took a small break on New Year’s Eve, returning the following week to address the aftermath of the war. Episode 14 aired on Jan. 7 and marked the beginning of season six’s second cour. Now heading toward its conclusion, viewers are wondering how long season six will be.
Before the season even began airing, My Hero Academia‘s official Japanese website listed the home video releases, and in doing so it also confirmed that viewers would be getting a total of 25 episodes this season. This has been the case for every season of My Hero Academia, with the exception of the first, which was composed only of 13 tentative episodes. Much like with previous releases, season six was planned to air in two consecutive cours over the duration of six months, and so far, everything is going according to plan.
With this burning question put to rest, fans can now focus their attention on what comes next. Will the anime be renewed for a seventh season? How many seasons will My Hero Academia have overall? While we don’t have the answers to everything right now, it’s likely that we’ll get some after the season six finale. Until then, viewers can stream My Hero Academia on Hulu, Disney Plus, and Crunchyroll.
Published: Jan 20, 2023 03:01 pm