Celebrities! They’re just like us (sometimes). They get bored easily, and none get more bored easier than superstar Ben Affleck, J Lo’s husband and all-around everyman. He gained the hearts of working men everywhere when he appeared barely enthused by being at the Grammys with his wife. Now let’s take a look at some other times Affleck was bored out of his mind and lost his ability to care about anything at all.
At the Grammys, things got even more fun when people started inferring that Affleck was simply a method actor portraying Bruce Wayne – aka Batman’s alter ego. Regardless of how you look at it, being bored at the Grammys is a decidedly Bruce Wayne thing to do.
Of course this isn’t even close to the first time Affleck couldn’t quite hide his disdain for being out in public, and honestly that might be the most relatable quality of all. Here he is barely caring at the ceremony. A thing of beauty:
All right, now for some other classic Affleck-being-done-with-everything moments.
1. The classic exasperation
Let’s start with an easy one – Affleck looking completely done with everything while smoking a cigarette.
This photo was first published on The Cut in August of 2016. The publication captioned it “Ben Affleck loves to smoke and hates the thought of existing in his own body for the rest of his time on earth. This was made apparent earlier this week when he was spotted taking a long, shaky drag on a Camel after spending his 44th birthday with his estranged wife Jennifer Garner and their three children in London.”
Honestly, three kids and an ex wife? Smoke away Boredfleck.
2. He gives no effs
Remember the pandemic? Just kidding, of course you do. Who can forget this classic idgaf moment when Fleck decided that smoking a ciggy was more important than wearing a mask properly. He’s the ultimate “tired of your shit” kinda guy and he underlined that with this one.
3. He’s (asleep) on a boat!
Affleck has to do so much every day (probably), so he has to catch those ZZZs where he can. When you live a laissez’ faire-type life — like Affleck does — it doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with, when you gotta sleep, you gotta sleep. Like how he sleeps on a boat when he’s just over it.
Love that Affleck is on a multi-million dollar boat and he’s just napping up a storm like grandpa Joe after Thanksgiving turkey.
4. The Dunkin’ disaster
Look at that man. Look into his eyes. See the look of just being done chained to this mortal realm and ready to just find respite somewhere, anywhere. Instead he’s forced to gather items he spilled from his favorite place on Earth: Dunkin’ Donuts.
Say what you will, that’s a man that’s over your sh*t and everyone else’s as well. For the record he did this quite a few times.
5. The back tattoo
Nothing says “I am over it” quite like a back piece. A full back tattoo lets the world know that you’re aware of its farcical premise and all the trappings that go along with it. It also says “look at my cool back tattoo.”
The New Yorker talked about the tattoo in an article called “The Great Sadness of Ben Affleck.” When the New Yorker is calling you out, you know you’re on the right track. The truth is, no matter of fame and fortune can tune out the harder inevitabilities of a corporeal existence, and perhaps Affleck knows that all too well.
6. A drunken beauty
Finally we have the inevitability of a man who’s trying his best to keep up with things but simply cannot quiet the demons in his head. In this case, his attitude got him sent to rehab by then-wife Jennifer Garner. This wasn’t even Affleck’s first brush with rehabilitation services either.
I think now we know why he was so bored at the Grammys – he couldn’t drink! For the record, please drink responsibly.
Published: Feb 6, 2023 10:24 PM UTC