Exodus and Mike Tyson

What happened to Mike Tyson’s 4-year-old daughter?

The little Tyson was lost too soon.

None of us are shielded from tragedy, not even the rich, elite, or physically powerful. Even Mike Tyson, one of the greatest heavyweight boxers in history, has been struck by disaster in the past, and it left him scarred for life.

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Tyson is known for many things, but his family life tends to be overshadowed by his broad accomplishments in the ring. Due to Tyson’s presence as a near-messianic figure in the world of boxing, people don’t look much past his record in the ring and those eye-catching facial tattoos.

But Tyson is far more than just a world-class boxer. He’s also a father of seven children, a husband, and a man who’s seen consistent hardship through his life. Much of that hardship was of his own making, don’t be mistaken, but at least a few of the misfortunes life has tossed Tyson’s way weren’t a result of the famous fighter’s notorious temper.

What happened to Exodus Tyson?

Mike Tyson and Exodus Tyson
Image via Find a Grave

Mike Tyson is known for many things, but his temper tops the list. It led him to success in the ring, where he fought his way through some of the best boxers in the world, but it also led to issues in his personal relationships. These days, Tyson is as well-known for his status as an abuser as he is for his shiny boxing record, but it seems he’s worked hard to leave the violence of his youth behind.

That doesn’t make any of the abuse or adultery alright, of course, but it does make space for far healthier relationships now that Tyson has seemingly left the turmoil and instability in his past. He’s still far from perfect, but so long as his current wife, Lakiha Spicer, is safe and happy with him at her side, who are we to complain?

Tyson shares two children with Spicer, who he married in 2009 — Milan and Morocco, who join five other kids in the Tyson brood. His other children are shared with two other women: His second wife Monica Turner, whose eldest child he also adopted, and Sol Xochitl, with whom he shares Miguel and Exodus Tyson.

It’s been a decade and a half since the younger of their two children, Exodus, passed away, but her loss left scars her family will never recover from. She was only four years old when the Tyson family lost her in a tragic accident, and Tyson spiraled for months after he learned of her demise.

Back in 2009, little Exodus’ older brother — who was only seven at the time — discovered his little sister unconscious following a treadmill accident. Tyson was away when the incident occurred, but Miguel called for his mother, who attempted CPR and rushed Exodus to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead the next day with her mother, brother, and Tyson at her side.

Exodus’ untimely demise was the result of a terrible, tragic accident, after she became tangled in a cord hanging from a treadmill. The cord strangled the little girl before her mother or brother were able to help her, and the lack of oxygen ultimately led doctors to pronounce her dead a few hours later.

It was an entirely blameless accident, but that doesn’t make it any less tragic. Exodus was so young, and her death left a permanent impact on every member of the Tyson family, not the least of whom being Tyson himself. He noted, following her death, that he carefully avoided details regarding her loss, out of fear of what he’d do if someone were pinned with the blame. Given his reputation, Tyson probably made the right decision.

Instead of fixating on the details surrounding her death, Tyson commemorated his daughter through a tattoo situated right over his heart. His little girl’s face is permanently etched into the boxer’s skin, so that no matter where life takes him, he always carries Exodus close to his heart.

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Nahila Bonfiglio
Nahila carefully obsesses over all things geekdom and gaming, bringing her embarrassingly expansive expertise to the team at We Got This Covered. She is a Staff Writer and occasional Editor with a focus on comics, video games, and most importantly 'Lord of the Rings,' putting her Bachelors from the University of Texas at Austin to good use. Her work has been featured alongside the greats at NPR, the Daily Dot, and Nautilus Magazine.