Morgan Spurlock
Image via Wiki Commons

What was Morgan Spurlock’s net worth at the time of his passing?

The guy made a career poking fun at corporate greed and consumer culture.

It’s hard to believe we’re almost halfway through 2024, and and we’ve already bid farewell to some big names this year like Roger Corman, Bernard Hill, and Sonja Christopher. But as they say, time stops for no one. Now, we’ve lost Morgan Spurlock, who made us all second-guess our fast food choices. 

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Spurlock rose to prominence with his documentary Super Size Me, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and went on to earn an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Feature. The film, which followed Spurlock as he consumed only McDonald’s food for 30 days, shed light on the fast-food industry and its impact on public health. With a modest budget of $65,000, Super Size Me grossed over $22 million worldwide.

Throughout his career, Spurlock continued to create thought-provoking documentaries that challenged societal norms and sparked important conversations. His other notable works include Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? , POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, and Inside Man, a CNN documentary series that delved into various issues affecting American society.

While I can’t just call up his accountant and ask for the specifics,  Morgan Spurlock’s net worth at the time of his passing is estimated to have been in the range of $8-12 million. In most cases, the deceased’s assets are distributed among family members according to their will, or state laws if there’s no will in place. It’s likely that Spurlock’s wife and children will inherit a significant portion of his wealth. Given his passion for advocating for change, it wouldn’t be surprising if he left a portion of his estates for charitable causes.

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Image of Omar Faruque
Omar Faruque
Omar is a seasoned writer specializing in all things entertainment. His approach to life and writing is the same: find the story in everything, and make sure to enjoy the ride. When not behind his keyboard, Omar is living his best life, whether that's channeling his inner superhero, trying to replicate anime recipes in his kitchen, or settling into his favorite coffee shop corner with a good book.