When I walked out of the theater following my own viewing of Spider-Man: Far From Home, I was just as ecstatic as I’d been two years ago for Homecoming. Like many True Believers out there, I firmly believe that Webhead’s inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has reinvigorated his own franchise, with many thanks going to director Jon Watts and his team.
Though there were certainly many things to discuss coming out of our viewing experiences, two particular scenes stand out in my mind. One, of course, was that shocking mid-credits sequence, and the other being Mysterio taking the wallcrawler on a wild augmented reality ride.
Now, thanks to Befores & Afters and Framestore, we’re able to savor some of the finer points of that insane trip. If you browse the gallery below, you’ll see Peter don a variety of Spider-Man costumes, not to mention him being confronted by the corpse of Iron Man and a legion of Mysterios.
Believe it or not, things could’ve gotten a whole lot wackier. Here’s what visual effects supervisor Alexis Wajsbro recently revealed about what might have been:
“There were some crazy ideas we had proposed. At one point, for instance, there was a fight where the cape of Mysterio was creating a monster attacking Spider-Man, who was running on a chess board and there was even a piano. There really were some some crazy ideas that, thankfully, didn’t stick, because I’m not sure we would have had time to be able to do them!”
So, even though those concepts never made it to screen, I was quite pleased with what we received. To this point, stuff like that had been reserved for comics and animation, so seeing it in live action was a welcome surprise. Let’s just hope that scene can be met or surpassed in Spider-Man: Far From Home‘s inevitable sequel, which is said to be quite different from what’s come before.
Published: Jul 9, 2019 5:26 PM UTC