Chris Evans is looking incredibly DCEU in this new fan art, which imagines the Captain America actor in the role of Superman.
The Instagram feed of Boss Logic has recently seen the artist working his way through the main heroes of the Marvel and DC film franchises, imagining some role-swaps in honor of the new “Elseworlds” crossover. And as well as showing us how Henry Cavill might look in Steve Rogers’ outfit, the fan has offered their impression of Evans in the similarly patriotic getup of the Man of Steel. With his darkened locks and glowing eyes, it must be said that the man wears the look pretty well.
On top of that, you can see Chris Hemsworth as Aquaman, Ben Affleck as Iron Man, and plenty more role-swaps in the gallery below.
As it stands, both Cavill and Evans look to have probably filmed their last scenes as their respective superheroes. In the latter’s case, it’s a popular belief right now that Evans has extended his contractual six-film run as Captain America by just one movie, allowing the star to help wrap up Marvel’s Phase 3 with Avengers 4 before he moves on. What’s more, though Evans refuses to clarify one way or another, he certainly looks like he’s made his goodbyes to the character and the world he inhabits.
Meanwhile, it feels like for every fresh affirmation that Henry Cavill is out as Clark Kent, some new report comes along that raises some doubts, with the story a few weeks ago being that he may be making a cameo in the upcoming Shazam! movie after all. But while Warner Bros. hasn’t offered any definitive answers, it seems more likely than not that a Superman-shaped slot in the DCEU is currently open.
Published: Nov 19, 2018 6:38 PM UTC