Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s everlasting blame game continues to underline how utterly incompetent she is

She'll point the finger anywhere but at herself.

Anthony Fauci is back in front of a Congressional committee, and you know what that means — every empty-headed Republican populating the far-right are back on their typical BS.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is at the head of the pack, as she works to discredit Fauci and only really succeeds in displaying the incredible selfishness and shortsightedness that helped get Greene elected in the first place.

Not that anyone could ever forget the man after years of COVID and even more time spent trying to drag him down, but for those just waking up from a lengthy coma, Anthony Fauci served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for nearly 40 years, before stepping down in 2022 just two years shy of the four decade mark. He was the leading force when COVID ground the world to a halt, and he worked tirelessly to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible in the midst of a global pandemic.

He also became an instant target of anti-vaxxers and COVID deniers, of whom MTG gleefully proclaims herself queen. She’s been at the head of the pack for years now, rabidly attacking Fauci for “forcing” things like masks and social distancing on us, even though Greene herself was among the science-intolerant masses who blatantly refused to follow COVID protocols.

As a result of those refusals, and of public figures like Greene continuing to tout provenly false COVID narratives, millions of people were lost to the virus. In the United States alone, more than a million people died between the start of COVID’s spread and present day, and we continue to see victims of the virus fill hospital beds even four years out from the first reported case.

And, despite the definitive proof that his policies helped save lives through the pandemic, Fauci is still taking flak for his attempts to keep COVID deaths at a minimum. As he heads back for another grueling round of questioning from purely politically motivated Representatives, Greene is making sure that her voice echoes above the rest.

The glassy-eyed twit took to X to rehash the same empty arguments we’ve been hearing for years, but her attempt at establishing a new slogan for the anti-vax movement fell flat. (Stop trying to make fetch happen, Marj.)

Most of the people died expressly because they ignored the policies Fauci put in place, but good luck getting that through Greene’s brick thick skull. Conspiracy Queen that she is, Greene went onto claim that COVID was “created in a lab,” [Unproven] that “vaccine injuries” are rampant, [False] and that masking was “useless,” [Demonstrably false].

Its a classic unhinged rant from Trump’s best student, and it got just the reaction you’d expect. Not support, despite Greene’s clear attempts to appeal to the anti-vax masses, but overwhelming pushback, as people pointed out just how many falsehoods fight for dominance in Greene’s prepubescent tantrum of a tweet.

Its also working to underline just how little impact Greene has had in her three years in office. She’s among the most incompetent and inconsequential members of Congress, with a record that largely includes touting conspiracy theories just like the COVID lies. Those “Jewish space lasers” aren’t real, and neither is Greene’s narrative on Fauci, but she’ll keep up the lies until the cows come home — or until we remove her from Congress for good.

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Nahila Bonfiglio
Nahila carefully obsesses over all things geekdom and gaming, bringing her embarrassingly expansive expertise to the team at We Got This Covered. She is a Staff Writer and occasional Editor with a focus on comics, video games, and most importantly 'Lord of the Rings,' putting her Bachelors from the University of Texas at Austin to good use. Her work has been featured alongside the greats at NPR, the Daily Dot, and Nautilus Magazine.