Laura Loomer thinks that airports and the US Senate are basically the same thing. What did the reality bender do now? Her outburst includes a wheelchair and an 82-year-old Mitch McConnell, who can’t seem to catch a break.
Loomer posted a photo of McConnell in a wheelchair, claiming he was “currently being pushed around the US Senate” and sniping that the chamber has become “a senior living facility with full amenities.” Of course, her post wasn’t just wrong; it was spectacularly wrong. The photo wasn’t taken in the Senate at all. It was snapped a month ago at DCA airport, long before he fell and sprained his wrist. This didn’t stop Loomer from spinning it into her latest MAGA opera, complete with the usual villainization of GOP “elites” who aren’t toeing the Trumpian line hard enough. Facts, as always, are the first casualty in her quest for relevance.
What actually happened to Mitch? Earlier this week, the 82-year-old Senate Republican leader took a tumble leaving a GOP luncheon. He sprained his wrist and earned a cut on his face for his trouble. He walked back to his office on his own, reportedly brushed himself off, and kept his schedule intact. His office insists he’s “fine,” but we find that hard to believe. This isn’t McConnell’s first health scare. Between this fall and his earlier freeze-ups at press conferences, Mitch’s public appearances have felt more like the Senate’s answer to a medical drama than a political powerhouse.
But why is Loomer throwing shade at a man who has spent years enabling Trump? After all, McConnell arguably was an important part of MAGA’s ascent. He softened bipartisan statements on Russian election interference in 2016, and he shielded Trump during two impeachment trials. McConnell even endorsed Trump for president in this election—despite Trump hurling racist insults at McConnell’s wife. You’d think that kind of loyalty might earn Mitch a pass from Loomer, but nope. In MAGA land, loyalty is a one-way street, and McConnell’s flirtation with nuance has landed him in the crosshairs.
McConnell has made a statement that likened the MAGA slogan “America First” to the rhetoric of 1930s isolationists—a not-so-subtle jab at Trumpism. While he stopped short of calling out Trump by name, the historical parallel was unmistakable. For anyone who’s missed the memo, the original “America First” movement was packed with Nazi sympathizers and fascist fanboys. Loomer, of course, isn’t here for history lessons, but she knows how to weaponize even a sniff of disloyalty against her enemies, real or perceived.
Enter the wheelchair photo, a perfect prop for her narrative. By casting McConnel as the doddering symbol of GOP decline, she’s feeding her followers the storyline they crave: that it’s time to replace the old guard with younger, MAGA-ier talent. The fact that her post was misleading (okay, straight-up false) is irrelevant. For her, it’s not about accuracy—it’s about making a scene. She must be salty that she lost an opportunity to have a seat in the House of Representatives in 2020.
McConnell is likely too busy wrestling with his health to care about Loomer’s antics. After years of backing Trump’s chaos for the sake of conservative policy wins, he’s now trying to sprinkle in some light criticism as he edges toward retirement. It’s the kind of late-stage revisionism that might work in a history textbook but rings hollow when your actions made Trump’s rise possible in the first place.
So, is Mitch fine? Sure, depending on your definition of “fine.” Is Loomer’s post accurate? Not even close. But as long as there’s a bandaged face, a wheelchair, and an opportunity to bend reality, Loomer will find a way to keep the show going. Tune in next week for her inevitable feud with a lamppost or a bag of frozen peas.
Published: Dec 13, 2024 09:07 am