Internet author Chuck Tingle has aimed at Twitter‘s CEO, Elon Musk, in the best way possible — creative writing. Tingle released a brand new work of erotica based on the current Twitter situation, replete with subtle digs at the site’s newest owner.
Tingle released his newest book, The Physical Manifestation Of Twiddor’s Rapid Descent Into Chaos Thanks To Inept Management From A Manbaby Edgelord Pounds Me In The Butt. It is about a boy spending time with a dying social media platform in the hospital, due to an illness called “billionaire manbaby edgelord CEO.” You can probably guess where the author took inspiration from.
Before the book’s release, Tingle released a website that’s a parody of Twitter, but without the social media aspect, called “Twiddor.” This fake website plays a massive role in the story as the boy’s love interest.
“When Robby receives an unexpected call that his favorite social media platform, Twiddor, is in the hospital, he doesn’t know what to expect. Upon visiting, Robby quickly learns that Twiddor has a case of ‘billionaire manbaby edgelord CEO,’ which is likely fatal.
Realizing this might be their last chance to talk, Twiddor and Robby are forced to discuss all the things that’ve been simmering below the surface of their relationship. It’s only after this deep talk that the two of them realize their true fondness for one another.
In Twiddor’s final moments he reveals one last way to revitalize his platform, and while this bump in social media activity may not last, it’s enough for the two of them to go out with a hardcore erotic bang!”
This work of erotic fiction is very short, containing only 48 pages. This means readers will immediately be able to make it to the good parts. The book hasn’t received any official reviews, but people on social media are impressed by how quickly Tingle was able to publish this story.
There seems to be a market for these types of stories since Musk is one of many controversial high-profile names that were turned into erotic fodder. In 2016, comedian Elijah Daniel released a book based on former U.S. president, Donald Trump. While the former president was not happy with the publication, according to Vice, Musk has not commented on the book’s publication, and why would he since it’s not violating any of Twitter’s guidelines.
What is he going to do, ban authors for writing a parody? That’s worse than Tumblr’s NSFW ban.
The Physical Manifestation Of Twiddor’s Rapid Descent Into Chaos Thanks To Inept Management From A Manbaby Edgelord Pounds Me In The Butt is now available for purchase on Amazon for Kindle devices only. The book cost $2.99, a price way cheaper than Twitter’s verification.
Published: Nov 9, 2022 12:33 AM UTC