There may have been a time when Twitter wasn’t a cesspool for the worst sides of humanity to show their true colors, but those days have long since passed. If people don’t like something, they’ll try and burn it to the ground and convince as many folks as possible to strike a match alongside them.
If a decision goes one way, you can guarantee in no time at all that there’s going to be a baying mob trying to justify the other side of the argument. This is something we’ve all seen happen on countless occasions before in regards to celebrities, politics, sports, film, television and plenty more, and now that Gina Carano has been fired from The Mandalorian, her supporters have started calling for the head of Pedro Pascal.
Of course, that’s cutting off your nose to spite your own face when Pascal regularly complimented, praised and defended his co-star from the constant barrage of online criticism aimed in her direction, and by all accounts they enjoyed working together and had struck up a friendship. However, now that Carano is gone, in the eyes of social media, justice must be done.
#FirePedroPascal has been trending all day as angry Twitter users demand that The Mandalorian‘s leading man be given the boot, which largely seems to be based on a tweet he posted almost three years ago and the general outrage surrounding Carano’s dismissal, and you can check out just some of the reactions below.
@Disney doesn’t like strong women. #HireGinaCarano or #FirePedroPascal people want equality well time to prove it @Disney. @Disney doesn’t like people having different opinions. @Disney is fascist, racist and sexism.
— eric (@eric08544428) February 11, 2021
so are y’all also going to #firepedropascal or
— MJ (@morganisawizard) February 11, 2021
#FirePedroPascal He basically made the same comparison as Gina Carrano. The double standard and hypocrisy is mind blowing. I loved Grogu but I’m done with Disney.
— Hammie (@HammieUSA) February 11, 2021
Clearly, this is not going to blow over anytime soon, and it would appear that Gina Carano vs. Disney could be the new Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, online at least. All we know for sure, though, is that Cara Dune will not be back when The Mandalorian returns to our screens.
Published: Feb 11, 2021 11:38 am