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Jag Bains is only 2 competition wins away from breaking a ‘Big Brother’ record

He went from early evictee to a potential record breaker.

This article contains spoilers for Big Brother 25 from the live feeds after CBS’s most recent episode, the double eviction which premiered on Oct. 26.

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From being evicted fourth to nearly cementing his name in the Big Brother history books, season 25’s Jag Bains has turned his season around in a momentous way.

Jag sat beside his key alliance member at the time, Blue Kim, on day 30 after Cameron Hardin nominated them for eviction. And after “Red” Utley elected not to use the Power of Veto, Jag’s fate was sealed. Or so most of the houseguests thought.

After the cast unanimously voted him out during week 4’s live episode, it was revealed that a superpower had nullified Jag’s eviction. Instead of walking out the front door, Jag’s game was given a new lease on life. And he’s taken full advantage of the second chance.

Jag teamed up with the man who secretly saved him, Matt Klotz, to create the “Minutemen.” And with some help from their ally Bowie Jane Ball, the trio have maintained a stranglehold on the house since week 10.

However, it’s in large part because of Jag’s success in competitions.

All in all, Jag’s won eight of them — two Head of Households and six Power of Vetos — which includes this week’s Veto. And if he wins two more competitions this season, something that seems all too inevitable, he’ll break the US series’ record for the most-winningest competitor in a single season.

As of right now, two former houseguests are tied for the top spot.

Four-time Big Brother player Janelle Pierzina and Big Brother 24’s Michael Bruner both won nine competitions in one season. Janelle set the record in 2006, but it wasn’t enough to propel her to the trophy. She was evicted in third place. Fast forward 16 years and Michael became the first player to match Janelle’s All-Stars triumph. However, he didn’t make it as far as Janelle — Michael was taken out during the final-six double eviction.

Jag’s one victory away from tying the record, and two away from becoming the first player to secure double-digit wins.

There are three competitions left in Big Brother 25. When the cast is whittled down to four on Nov. 2, the final full round of play will happen through week 14 — meaning the Head of Household and Power of Veto are up for grabs. Then, the final Head of Household competition will be played in three stages, and the winner will decide who’ll join them to plead their case to the Jury for the $750,000.

Because Jag was immune this week by winning the Power of Veto, and Matt’s the current Head of Household, barring being evicted next week, Jag is eligible to play in all three of the upcoming competitions. Will he break the record? We’ll see soon enough!

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Image of Stephen McCaugherty
Stephen McCaugherty
Hailing from British Columbia, Stephen McCaugherty has been exercising his freelance writing chops since 2019, and he does his best work when he's kicking back in a hostel somewhere around the world — usually with terrible internet. Primarily focusing on reality competition shows, movies, and combat sports, he joined WGTC as an entertainment contributor in 2023.