Ravenswood, the Pretty Little Liars spin-off series, is all set for its debut. With only a few weeks to go before the premiere, ABC Family is letting fans in on a couple of secrets – and not unlike PLL, Ravenswood looks like it will be full of them.
The thing that will really set the two shows apart is the supernatural aspect of Ravenswood. The new series will feature five teenagers that find themselves in the middle of a mystery involving a small town, and a curse. Naturally, the characters seem to spend a very unnatural amount of time hanging out at their local cemetery.
Fans of Pretty Little Liars have already had a couple of glimpses at the eerie new setting. If you checked out the summer finale then you know, as much as it still pains us to say, that Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) is already on his way. We’re still not entirely sure how the transition will go, or what makes him decide to stay, but we’re not thrilled about the idea. We fell in love with him along with Hannah (Ashley Benson), and it looks like their time together has officially reached its end. Although they haven’t officially broken up just yet, with a change of scenery and a new mystery to uncover, it’s only a matter of time.
If you haven’t seen an episode of PLL, don’t worry. Caleb’s past in Rosewood will probably surface at some point, but it won’t be the main focus of the show. Fans of shows like Supernatural and The Secret Circle – supernatural teen dramas, more or less- might enjoy checking it out.
The series premiere of Ravenswood airs on Tuesday, October 22 following the Pretty Little Liars Halloween special. Will you be tuning in to see where this adventure takes Caleb? Let us know in the comment section!
Check out the first full-length trailer below.
Published: Sep 25, 2013 08:05 pm